India 2.0 and RFPs


    The Feb. 27, 2006 issue of eWeek has two articles I want to link you to.

    First up, Stan Gibson’s take on "India 2.0," what it’s going to take for India to move up that famous food chain and dominate IT the way Japan did in the auto industry. Two points: The main players need to learn how to innovate; and they need to become global, not just Indian companies.

    You’ll find this excellent briefing here:,1895,1931474,00.asp

    Second, eWeek has decided to get into the request-for-proposal business — all to your advantage. Once a month, the magazine will include a sample RFP that you can modify and use in your own efforts.

    This article by Anne Chen explains how to get the best results from your RFP. And here’s the magazine’s first RFP — less relevant to outsourcing this time around. The topic is buying blade servers.